United Way Centraide


United Way Centraide Canada

United Way Centraide Canada

Case Study

UWC approached us looking for a re-design of their existing website. Their goal was to provide an initial and engaging entry point for external users to learn about United Way/Centraide in general and to provide clear information on the role and function of the national office. There were other objectives as well. The site needed to be easy to update and maintain. It needed to provide access and updates in both French and English. The list of required functions extended beyond what an “off the shelf” CMS could support – we knew that some customization would be required.

In response, we recommended a CMS that had the flexibility to support their needs. We then used that platform to develop a fully bilingual website with fresh clean design using this CMS system. The site is optimized for search engines (SEO). It provides for unparalleled ease of use and maintenance. Staff can add and update content easily and can toggle between French and English to update the site in both languages – in real time.

Project highlights and Benefits

• A public facing website that speaks uniquely to external audiences, showcasing the work of the United Way Canada (UWC) and its national office.

• Based on the assessment of requirements of UWC, various CMS modules were evaluated and the most easy to use and cost-effective CMS platform was selected and implemented.

• Integration of video and social media, making the new site more visually impactful, interactive and engaging.

• The site features custom widgets created to give the site the additional functionality UWC needed to meet its objectives.

• Consistent approach to updating, archiving and removing content to ensure content is always up to date.

• Development and implementation of custom web analytics reporting and analysis. Training sessions and handbooks were also provided.

• Keyword and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) research was conducted and special SEO strategy developed to maximize search result rankings. Since the re-design of the site, SEO rankings have improved.

How we helped

Project: United Way Centraide fully bilingual website
Client: United Way Centraide, National office based in Ottawa
Type: Web Design & Development

Work taken on behalf of the United Way of Canada (UWC) was the full development and staging of a new national website in both English and French languages to dramatically improve the digital experience for its stakeholders, community participants and staff on a national basis.

• CMS Assessment
• Content Management Strategy
• SEO Audit and Keyword Strategy
• Wireframe Design and Development
• Web Analytics
• Website Re-Design
• Website Development HTML, CSS, Javascript
• Custom Widget creation
• Quality Assurance
• Website Management Training Sessions
